Sunday 4 August 2013

23rd July onwards 1200 point fall on BS.E. & 400 point fall on N.S.E. projected well in advance Time wise and Price wise in July 22, 2013 blog. In that I  appealed to Investors to book Profit because at that time Market was near to an All time High and insisted to be on Cash.(for details refer to 22nd July 2013 blog)
Now million dollar question where Market is heading?
Expected first down target of 5,750 achieved on Nifty on 31st July. Now immediate question where market is going to take support? As mentioned in earlier blog 5th August 2013, is Important Time Cycle date.(turning date) Here market may take temporary support around 5,650 because market is deeply oversold plus 5650 on Nifty & 19,000 on B.S.E. are  Imp Levels which are going to hold time for being. After forming bottom over here (Time wise & pricewise) week bounce is on the cards. Its upward target on Nifty are 5,750 to 5,820.and second target 5,920 -5,950. (on B.S.E.19,500 to 19,700.and Max.19,865.) Around this levels Investor create Short sale position Here keep 6, Strict Stop Loss for all Short sale position (Here on Nifty 5650 not holding then market is in deep trouble)
After achieving it’s up targets. Fall will resume and its Logical down targets are 5,400.   to 5,350 And aberration level 5130 to 5,200.

Economic Education and Financial Awareness is Main Goal of this Blog.

Reader can share their View, opinion on  Mob.9819729508.( Time 5 to 7.p.m.)
Disclaimer:-This view is expressed to students who are learning Technical Analysis for information purpose only. Basis on these views any market Buying or Selling is done and if there is any loss neither this View/blog nor Ashish Thakur is held responsible for same Pl.note.

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