Thursday 24 October 2013

Weekly Market View from 21st to 25th October, 2013. (Last week close. On B.S.E 20,882 /ON N.S.E 6,189 )

As per Fibonacci Time Cycle 24th to 27th October, 2013 are Important Turning dates, Here   Market may top out. And in days to come Market down target are On Nifty 5,800.and on B.S.E. 19,300.( for the month of November,2013)    
So book Profit  at every rally.

These are Important Technical Analysis Studies.
As per GANN Angle Studies Marking 4th June 2012 Low.---  its Up 45 degree Angle is 6270 on Spot Nifty. So in days to come if Nifty is unable to cross and stay above 6270 on Cash Nifty then safely assume Market is forming Top on 24th to 28th October, 2013.

Again we are completing 1,100 points Up rally on Nifty, (28th August, 2013.Low of 5,118. to 6,250...& more then 3,000.Points rally on B.S.E. ) so be alert.

Now Economic Reason

At Present Economic Growth is 5% and Inflation is 8.88%. its negative for Economy.

At present Market Trading 16 time this year and 14 times One Year forward earning.

Cement Sector Coming out with poor results, though its discounted by market but it indicates that in days to come Infrastructure and Real estate sector heading for trouble.
These sectors are direct consumers of Cement.

Keeping Fundamental & Technical Studies in mind  nobody is able to catch “Exact Top or Bottom” So protect Hard earned Money and Profit. On this Euphoria I always remember Investment Guru Sir Peter Lynch Historic Quote,

“Bull Market born on Pessimisms, Grow on Skepticism, Mature on Optimisms and

Die on Euphoria.”  So best time to sell -- on Euphoria. That’s what Exactly going on
Friends ask this question to your mind in this Euphoria if Nifty reaches to 6,300.Plus.

How much we are earning? And At what cost? ( If we enter at this level )

For last one or two percent how much Capital we have to risk? So Book profit in this rally.

Readers can share their views on &Mob.+91 9819729508 (Time.7 to 9.p.m.)

Disclaimer:- This Market view is given for M.B.A.Finance Students. Any Market buying or selling is done on basis of this write up and if there is any loss. Neither this Blog (write up) nor Ashish Thakur is held responsible for same. Pl. Note. Before taking any Buying or Selling position Pl. consult to your Financial Advisor.